Content log Louisa 5-4-11

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Introduction, neurobio major, sophomore, wants to be a doctor and study multiple sclerosis because her mom has it.



how they go from things that don't move at all to, like, small little changes, maybe moving a little, and then bigger changes, moving a lot, to like, how we can run now and stuff like that.

207 is mainly about evolutionary characteristics.  Evolution seems to be somewhat linear, a sense of advancement.



how a squid would compare to a bacteria or something like that.  Then you can see the differences.  It's kind of easier than just memorizing the names and the characteristics.

Phylogenies, how do you approach?  Is just refining and remembering from AP biology.  Thinks of an exemplar of a given phylum, then compares characteristics of exemplars.




Difference between AP biology and 207 is AP biology teacher was all about details, whereas Higgins is about broader themes and interrelations.



they're usually pretty helpful, like, get you thinking rather than just, like, define X, you know, it's more questions that get you thinking.

How do you study?  Records lectures and takes notes in class, then makes notecards with study questions.



  What should I expect if I were to be taking this class?  Light on work, but requires self-discipline to keep up.  Lots of memorization.



Useful for what you'll be doing eventually?  Some of it, but most people are going into humans, so other phyla less important.



a lot of people think that he never actually answers a question, or gives you a direct answer to a question.

Also taking chemistry and physics this semester.  Likes chemistry, doesn't like physics.




Interconnections between the classes?  Not to biology, but some overlap between chemistry and physics in topics.



I know the kinds of questions that are gonna be on the MCAT, and it's not that kind of stuff... he says it's because the real world is messy, and it's not gonna be black and white for you, and I understand that, but you have to have some kind of basis to try to understand something before you can get into the messy stuff.

Concerns with physics -- not preparing them for the MCATs.  Never regular physics questions, always trying to trick them.  Doesn't want them to succeed.  Wishes she had more grounding before being thrown into the messy stuff.



we were prepared for Kent's kind of exam, and it was Higgins' kind of exam... how much is going to be on each?  How much, how much of their kind of exam is going to be on it?... I'm just going to have to study both ways, I guess.

Likes 207 being co-taught, but difficult to predict exams.  Again, Higgins more about overlying themes, whereas Kent wanted details.  Mix of multiple choice and short answer.  Thinks the final will be hard because they're co-writing it.

[00:29:43.04]   Working as medical scribe in ED over the summer, excited to see how doctors problem-solve in real time.
[00:32:24.02] Usually they're all like dissing each other, like oh, that's how biologists think, or oh, that's how physicists think.  I'm surprised that they're working together...
Wonders how this interview ties to the larger project?  Interviewer described how getting sense of people's experiences in various classes can help us see where they are and are not connecting.  Is surprised different disciplines are talking to each other.
[00:34:06.18] I don't think that him using the little numbers that he did for the surface area to volume ratio kind of, like, helped me understand it more Example of surface area to volume ratios -- understands concept without numbers.    
[00:35:23.23] that's not the kind of physics that we learned in our classes.  Like, we don't learn, we don't learn like how things affect us on the world.  Like, we learn, like, magnets, like, how do, how are magnets something with evolution?  That doesn't make sense to me.  But maybe that's just because I haven't, like, been exposed to the kind of physics that might lead to evolutionary traits. Thinks chemistry and biology can connect, but not sure how physics can connect to biology.  In response to interviewer's example of physical principles underlying evolution, says they don't learn that kind of physics.