
Perceptions of Interdisciplinary Bridges

Page history last edited by Vashti Sawtelle 10 years, 6 months ago

Overview of potential assessments


Previous relevant analyses> End-of-term survey results (2013) > MPEX Interdisciplinary cluster


Final survey given Fall 2013


PIB Attempt at Analysis


Total  (23-41, maybe 32* items)


Connections across science courses (3-7 items, 4*)


* Do you expect to see connections between what you learn in this course and your other science courses?  (pre version)

 Yes, many

Yes, some

Yes, few

No, none.


Do you see connections between what you have learned in this course and your other science courses?  (post version)

Yes, many

Yes, some

Yes, few

No, none.


I expect my professors to talk about how biology, chemistry and physics relate.


*To be successful in this course, I don't expect to have to bring in ideas from my other science courses.


Drawing on my science knowledge from other courses will help me in this course.


My other science coursework is too different to be useful in physics class.


*Time should not be taken out of biology courses to present physics.



*Time should not be taken out of physics courses to present biology.


Physics-Biology Connection (6* items)


*My biology background helps me solve problems in physics class.


*It is beneficial to me, as a biologist, to also be proficient in physics.

(MPEX- Q5)


*Ideas I learned in physics are rarely useful in biology. (MPEX - Q13.)


*Physics helps me make sense of biological phenomena. (MPEX - Q16).


*Ideas I learned in biology are rarely useful in physics. (MPEX – Q20)


*Physics is largely irrelevant for understanding biological processes. (MPEX - Q23)

Math-Biology Connection (4-12 items, maybe 8*)


*Mathematics helps me make deeper sense of biological phenomena. (MPEX Q9)


*Math provides another way of describing biological phenomena, but rarely provides a deeper or better understanding. (MPEX Q14)


*Ideas I learned in math are rarely useful in biology. (MPEX Q17) 


*It is beneficial to me, as a biologist, to also be proficient in math. (MPEX Q22) 


*Equations help me make deeper sense of biological phenomena.


Equations provide another way of describing biological phenomena, but rarely provide a deeper or better understanding.


*Equations are rarely useful in biology.


It is beneficial to biologists, to also be proficient with using equations.


*Numerical calculations are rarely useful in biology. 


It is beneficial to biologists, to also be proficient with numerical calculations.


*Numerical calculations help me make deeper sense of biological phenomena.


Math-Physics Connection (0-8, maybe 4*)


*Equations help me make deeper sense of physical phenomena.


Equations provide another way of describing physical phenomena, but rarely provide a deeper or better understanding.


*Equations are rarely useful in physics.


It is beneficial to physicists, to also be proficient with using equations.


*Numerical calculations are rarely useful in physics. 


It is beneficial to physicists, to also be proficient with numerical calculations.


*Numerical calculations help me make deeper sense of physical phenomena.


Numerical calculations provide another way of describing physical phenomena, but rarely provide a deeper or better understanding.


Utility and justification of simple models  (10*-12 items)


*Simple models are useful in physics


*Simple models are useful in biology


In biology, it is important to always describe things in great detail


In physics, it is important to always describe things in great detail


*To help you solve a problem in physics, you sometimes need to leave out details. 


*To help you solve a problem in biology, you sometimes need to leave out details


*Most biology ideas are too complex to describe with an equation


*Most physics ideas are too complex to describe with an equation


*Most simplifications in physics are done without a good reason


*Most simplifications in biology are done without a good reason


*When I make a simplification in a physics problem, I want it to be justified


*When I make a simplification in a biology problem, I want it to be justified




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