Reminders from 9-27 Training


Here are the reminders that I promised you regarding the 9/27 Lab/Recitation training.  I have also included links to readings that you may find helpful--to understand what the students know about resistive forces and the language the professors will use to discuss resistance.  Good luck this week! ~KIM


0. Where is all this info?

When you come into lab, this content (in a word file) should either be open on the desktop or in the 'documents' folder on the computer.  Leave it open for the next set of TAs and LAs to use. :-)


1. Recitation

This week's recitation is:


(Break: Pass back graded lab work, if you have it...)


2. Lab 2: Directed Motion and Resistive Forces

Lab and TA documents at:

**New lab groups for this two-week lab.  Also, new jobs/roles.  Record the new roles--keep track so that everyone eventually does every job this semester.


a) Please keep an eye on the webcams (one per table) and make sure that there are six when you enter the room and six when you leave.  The remaining equipment they will need is on the front TA table or at the back of the room by the mini-fridge.  Make sure the equipment returns to these locations at the end of your lab (so that it is out of the way during the next section's recitation).


b) Encourage the students to be careful when handling the lab equipment--especially the cylinders of different viscosity glycerol solutions.  If any of these spill, we are SOL (as we have no spare glycerin to make new ones)!  Also, the edges of the 'sphere scoops' may be sharp--have them handle these with caution.  Also encourage the students to clean up after themselves before they leave lab, wiping up and wet spots and throwing away any used paper towels.


c) EACH student needs to have a copy of ALL of the data the group has created (spreadsheets and word files) before they leave the lab today (either emailed to themselves or on a flashdrive).  Remind them at the start and end of the lab period.


d) Remind the students to keep a careful record of the UNCERTAINTIES in each video/measurement.  They will need this data for the error propagation and model-fitting that comprises the second week of this lab.


e) Before you have the students start the experiment, you should discuss the concept of terminal velocity with them.  Ask them to define it.  Have them draw what this would look like on position vs. time and velocity vs. time graphs.  They have not studied terminal velocity yet, but they certainly have the background to understand the idea.  Also, they may not have learned much about resistive forces yet, but by the time they need to analyze their data (next week) they will have had sufficient exposure to the concept and plenty of practice solving problems with resistive forces.


f) Here are the readings the students have done/will do that relate to resistive forces.  Scan through them to get a feel for what the students do/will know and what language you should be using (in order to be consistent with the professors):  (Page on Resistive Forces--contains links to readings on Friction, Viscosity and Drag--review these, too!)


g) If you are running low on lab/recitation documents (room copies), there are extra in the center cabinet at the back of the room.


h) When you have the Lab 1, Part 2 grades ready for your students, please hand back the reports.  All students should have their labs graded and back in their hands before they turn in their next lab.  (So hand them back at the start of lab during the week of Oct. 7th, at the latest.)  I always tell the students that "The Checker keeps the lab," that way each student has one example of a graded lab in their possession by the end of the semester.  Do it however you like (perhaps the Journalist keeps it), but be consistent within your own sections.