
Working content II (2013)

Page history last edited by Joe Redish 8 years, 9 months ago


NEXUS/Physics > InstructorsHomePage


For guidance on how the readings are designed and intended to be used, see the page


Content for Second Semester - 132


132 Class homepage (Spring 2014)


Content for First Semester - 131

131 Class homepage (Fall 2013)


(Files marked with *** are not yet written.)


Outline of Second Semester Content 


Interlude 2: The Micro to Macro Connection


7. Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics


7.1 Kinetic theory: the ideal gas law


7.2 The 1st law of thermodynamics


7.3 The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics  


8. Electricity



8.1 The Electric field (also     


8.2 The electric potential


8.3 Electricity in Matter


8.4 Capacitance


8.5 Electric Currents


9. Oscillations and Waves


9.1 Harmonic Oscillation


9.2 Waves in 1D


9.3 Sound waves



10 Three models of light 


10.1 The ray model of light


10.2 The wave model of light


10.3 The photon model of light


10.4 Color and light


10.5 Interaction of light with matter


11. The wave model of matter




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