Additional guidelines and resources for reflection paper Spring 2014

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Additional guidelines and resources for reflection paper


Part I: Plan for taping, due March 5th

We will take care of videotaping for you, but we will need to work together on some logistics.  Decide if there's a particular GAE, recitation session, or lab session coming up that you would like taped.  Please write a quick paragraph (can be via e-mail) with the date/time of the lesson and a brief description of the content.  Also, let us know your preferences for microphone placement -- would you prefer for a microphone to be placed with a particular small group, or would you prefer to wear a microphone?  (Placement with a small group means that you would need to be sure to visit that group, but you might also be able to get a sense of what that group talks about when you're not around.  Wearing the microphone would likely give you more of a range of interactions to choose from.)


Part II: Reflection paper, due April 16th

Your analysis of selected interactions with students should be ~4 pages single-spaced and include transcript.  (It would be most helpful to integrate transcript into your narrative where relevant -- for instance, if you want to talk about a particular exchange two students had about protein folding, include transcript of the exchange right before your discussion of the exchange.)  Each paper should include the following:

  1. Background: Provide a bit of information about the content of the GAE or recitation activity, when the selected interactions occurred during the course of the lesson, and any relevant information about the group members you've gleaned from working with them throughout the semester.
  2. Students' ideas & the quality of those ideas: Analyze students' ideas during the selected interactions.  What ideas were on the table?  How did students' ideas hanging together? How were students supporting their ideas -- what kinds of evidence were they drawing on? How were students evaluating each others' ideas?
  3. Group dynamics: Analyze the dynamics within the group(s) or between the group(s) and yourself.  How were students interacting with each other and considering each others' ideas?  What role did you play in the selected interactions? How did your contributions effect students' ongoing conversations?
  4. General reflections: As an instructor, think about the selected interactions with respect to objectives you might have for the students.  What did you like about what happened?  What would like you to work to change?

Please spend the vast majority of your paper discussing #2 & #3 above.