
BERG FrontPage

Page history last edited by Joe Redish 9 years, 9 months ago

Biology Education Research Group at University of Maryland College Park, MD


This is the wiki page of the UMD Biology Education Research Group (BERG).  It is designed to serve two purposes: to introduce and present ourselves and our research, and to provide a place of networking for the Biology Education Community to brainstorm and communicate on resources, material development, and ideas about education research and learning in biology. 





The Physics of Life: Interdisciplinary Education at the Introductory Level

A project to develop active engagement materials for a principles-based course in Organismal Biology

(NSF-CCLI DUE 09-19816)


National Experiment in Undergraduate Science Education (NEXUS) 

 A multi-university multi-disciplinary project to develop materials to support reform in biology education. 



Creating a Common Thermodynamics

 A project to study student understanding of issues in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics in physics, chemistry, and biology. (NSF-TUES DUE 11-22818)


Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Using Mathematics in Science

A project to study the challenges biology students face in applying what they have learned in math classes to mathematical modeling of physical systems. (NSF-iUSE DUE 15-04366)


Maryland Learning Assistant Program

Through the transformation of large-enrollment science courses, the Maryland Learning Assistant (LA) Program seeks to achieve four goals: 1) To recruit and prepare talented science majors for careers in teaching, 2) To engage science faculty in the recruitment and preparation of future teachers, 3) To improve the quality of science education for all undergraduates, and 4) To transform departmental cultures to value research-based teaching for ourselves and for our students. (NSF-MSP #0831970)



Group Meetings


PERG Seminar

Science Education Seminar

Whole Group Research Meetings 



     Links to online resources

     Documents on Biology Education Reform


     IRB Training

     Video Database (group members only)




     BSCI 207: Principles of Biology III -- Organismal Biology

     PHYS 121/PHYS 122: Fundamentals of Physics

     PHYS 131: Fundamentals of Physics for Biologists

     PHYS 132: Fundamentals of Physics for Biologists II

     BSCI 327H: The Physics of Living Systems

     PHYS 299L: Special Problems in Physics; Quantative Biology and Biophysics


UMD Physics Education Research Group wiki

UMD Chemistry Education Research Group wiki



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