
Homework Problems Physics 131-132: Section 7 (redirected from Homework Problems Physics 131: Section 7)

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Homework Problems:

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7. Thermodynamics and statistical physics

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. The macro micro connection (essay)
2. Comparing thermodynamic concepts         

7.1 Kinetic theory and the ideal gas law

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1.  A two molecule mix of gases {*}    
2. Scales in a gas 

3. Partial pressure 1 {*}         
4. What's pressure in biology?        
5. Kinetic theory and pressure {*}        
6. Gravity in gases        
7. (Almost) ideal air         
8. Deflategate  {*}        
9. An unstable chemical {*}        

7.2 The 1st law of thermodynamics 

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. Considering energy changes {*}
2. Workin' and Actin         
3. How a kinesin walks         
4. Following a rocket {*}        
5. Sweating {*        

7.2.2 Enthalpy 

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. Enthalpy for a simple reaction {*}
2. Chemical reaction energies {*}        
3. Chemical reaction in a cylinder - Enthalpy         
4. Chemical reaction in a closed container {*}        

7.2.3 Thermodynamic equilibrium and equipartition

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. Distributing energy packets {*}      

2. Let me count the ways {*}

3. Counting degrees of freedom {*}        
4. Thermal equilibrium {*        

7.3 The 2nd law of thermodynamics

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. Evolution and the second law     
2. Validity of the second law       

7.3.1 A probabilistic law

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. Flipping the second law {*}
2. Polymers and entropy {*}

3. Entropy in heat flow {*}

4. A random walking amoeba {*}        

7.3.2 Entropy

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. Two equations with heat and temperature {*}        
2. Metaphors for entropy       
3. Chemical reaction in a cylinder - Entropy 
4. Probability and entropy {*}
5. Counting energy arrangements {*
6. Copper and water entropy {*        

7.3.3 Free energy

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. Free energy in free expansion {*}        
2. Thermodynamics of life      

3. Insane in the membrane - Part 1: Oil and water

4. Insane in the membrane - Part 2: Lipid bilayers      
5. Spontaneous change {*}    
6. Free energy in heat flow {*}

7. Free energy of mixing in isothermal free expansion

8. Mixing oil and water    

9. Free energy of mixing in non-isothermal free expansion

9.a Free energy of mixing in non-isothermal free expansion (MC) {*}

10. Calculating the free energy of mixing   
11. Thermodynamic functions in free expansion {*        

7.4 How energy is distributed: Boltzmann factor

Problem name  Type  Features  Threads  Use 
1. Evaporating a membrane {*}        
2. Boltzmann -- physicist or chemist?        
3. Energy levels of a diatomic molecule {*}        
4. The isothermal atmosphere {*}        
5. Interpreting Boltzmann {*}    
6. Hydrogen bonding at STP         
7. Molecular polymorphism {*}        
8. Probability of molecular excited states {*}        
9. Diatomic excitations {*}        
10. Opening a channel - perhaps {*}        


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