Comparing a light and a heavy object (2015)

Consider a standard American cue ball from the game of pool which has mass 160 g and is two and 1/4 inches in diameter and a bird feather which has mass 4 grams and is 5 inches long and an inch across. For each quantity in the list below indicate the relation between the quantities for each of these objects. Is it the same, greater, or lesser? Explain in each case why you gave the answer you did.

(a) The gravitational force on the cue ball is _______ it is for the feather.

  1. the same as
  2. greater than
  3. less than



(b) The time it will take for the cue ball to fall a given distance in air is _______ it is for the feather. 

  1. the same as
  2. greater than
  3. less than



(c) The time it will take for the cue ball to fall a given distance in a vacuum is _______ it is for the feather. 

  1. the same as
  2. greater than
  3. less than



(d) The total acceleration of the cue ball when falling in vacuum is _______ it is for the feather. 

  1. the same as
  2. greater than
  3. less than



© 2015 Alan Peel